LIFE programme 2021-2027

Energy Cities's recommendations for the clean energy transition sub-programme within the future LIFE programme


Publication date


Related legislative initiative

EU Budget

Summary of Energy Cities’ position

LIFE has been a valuable funding instrument for local authorities to fund best practice, pilot and demonstration projects in the field of energy and climate. The proposed changes to the LIFE programme for the next funding period, in particular the creation of the new sub-programme on the clean energy transition and the significant budget increase, present key opportunities to further support local energy and climate action.

Moreover, it will be essential to ensure a smooth carry-over of the Horizon 2020 coordination and support projects on clean energy market uptake and capacity-building projects into the new LIFE sub-programme on the clean energy transition.

These projects have brought a quintessential added-value for local authorities, by enabling them to stimulate local development, empower citizens and local initiatives, implement and upscale renewables, improve their energy efficiency, tackle energy poverty and develop adaptation strategies.

Thanks to the funding provided for these projects, European local authorities could further drive the energy transition on their territories and create mutually reinforcing and long-lasting partnerships with each other and their citizens. Bearing this in mind, it is critical to keep this momentum going through the next LIFE programme and its sub-programme on the clean energy transition.

Energy Cities therefore recommends to:

  • Focus the clean energy transition on supporting governance changes through upscaling innovative districts to the entire city;
  • Set Citizen Energy Communities as overarching strategic direction;
  • Cut administrative burden and align LIFE with Horizon programme rules, thereby ensuring that the transfer of successful Horizon innovation is not blocked by inadequate rules;
  • Set a minimum co-funding rate of 80%