Launch of the European Commission’s Energy Communities Repository



The 20 April 2022 from 18:30 until 21:00


Brussels, Belgium



Energy communities are one of the key elements for achieving the EU’s energy transition: By 2050, half of Europe’s citizens could be producing up to half of the EU’s renewable energy.

This is why the European Commission is launching the Energy Communities Repository – an initiative that will support energy communities through technical assistance and training, provide policy analysis and insights for policy-makers, regulators and financial institutions, and more.


18:30-18:45: Introduction to the Energy Communities Repository

by Achille Hannoset (European Commission’s Directorate-General for Energy) and Myriam Castanié (Energy Communities Repository)

18:45-19:05: Insights from Energy Communities Practitioners

  • Ruth Buggie, Sustainable Energy Communities Programme Manager, Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland
  • Eckart Würzner, Mayor of Heidelberg
  • Dirk Vansintjan, Co-Founder of Ecopower
  • Bérangère Même, Project Officer, Énergie Partagée

19:05-19:30 Q&A with the audience

Moderation: Anna Francis, Energy Communities Repository

19:30 onwards: Cocktail reception

Join stakeholders from cities, energy communities and the EU institutions in Brussels for the launch of this exciting new initiative on Wednesday, 20 April from 18:30!

More information on the European Commission’s website.

Register here!

Registered participants can access the event remotely (via ZOOM). If you want to join the event online, please select this option when filling in the registration form