Online final event of the HeatNet NWE project, with the participation of the EU-funded projects D2Grids, LIFE4HeatRecovery, Hotmaps, REWARDHeat, COOL DHandTempo
Today’s most advanced 4th and 5th generation district heating and cooling (DHC) systems run at low temperature, allowing less heat loss through pipes, and the use of local heat sources. This means less CO2emissions and the development of greener local economy. Despite these advantages, the use of district energy remains low across European countries, especially in the North-West area. However, cities in collaboration with citizens, policy makers and companies can meet the challenge and overcome the policy and organizational barriers to the rolloutof this innovative technology.
This conference is a great opportunity to:
Thanks to the interactive format and the work in small groups, you will be able toask questions and have fruitful discussions.