Local Integrated Home Renovation Services: how to make them viable?



The 29 September 2022 from 08:30 until 16:00


La Tricoterie, Rue Théodore Verhaegen 158, 1060 Bruxelles



Local Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS) are a powerful solution to Europe’s housing renovation challenge. They make ambitious energy renovation simpler for homeowners and bring public authorities closer to the achievement of their climate objectives.
Popping up all around Europe for more than 10 years, their achievements prove they are useful. But their business models remain fragile because they depend to large extent on the interest of homeowners and the support of public authorities.

“How to make local Integrated Home Renovation Services viable on a long-run?”

This is the key question we will strive to answer in a collaborative workshop bringing together the majority of the existing IHRS in Europe.

Targeted participants: local and regional IHRS, their supporters from local, national and EU institutions, financing institutions and the private sector.

Our ambition: get to know each other, learn together, set up a community of practitioners that will support the development of existing and future IHRS in Europe.

This event is organised by Energy Cities with the support of Energies Demain and GNE Finance in the framework of the European Horizon 2020 project ORFEE, and in cooperation with the following organisations:

  • Region Piemonte and Climate Alliance representing EUROPA project
  • Wuppertal Institute representing ProRetro project
  • Basque Region representing Opengela project
  • Fundacio Europace representing GiDomus
  • City of Padova representing Padovafit Expanded! project
  • Huygen Ingenieurs & Adviseurs B.V, International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) and ICLEI representing Save the Homes project
  • City of Vienna representing RenoBooster project
  • Toulouse Métropole and Centre for Energy, Construction, Architecture, and the Environment (ZEBAU) representing I-Heros project



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