Since 2016, Munich turned two of its neighbourhoods into a laboratory: over a bit more than 4 years, 20 million euros were invested in testing smart city solutions. That money came from the EU funded Smarter Together project. Today I chat with Bernhard Klassen and Verena Stoppel who both coordinated one after the other the Smarter Together Project – one of many innovative projects in Munich. Together with them, I will dive into this large-scale experimentation around energy, mobility, the role of big data and citizen participation and learn about their approach to urban renewal.
>>> Read more about Munich’s decarbonisation strategy in the article “New ways for the energy transition – the Viennese approach”
This episode was recorded via internet and is brought to you by the Smarter Together project, funded within the European Horizon 2020 programme. The episode is part of the “City Stories” podcast.
For those who want to get more information: have a look at the Smarter Together website Learn more about the three lighthouse cities in the project Lyon, Vienna and Munich and explore the project in details.