Register now to the European Week of Regions & Cities!

Our suggestions for this year’s digital edition

Every year, the European Week of Regions and Cities brings together European regions and cities to promote learnings and good practice of regional policy-making. Due to the Covid19 – related restrictions, the 2020’s edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities will take place in a digital format. During 3 weeks, from 5th to 22nd October, more than 500 events will be organised around three thematic priorities: Empowering Citizens; Cohesion and Cooperation; and Green Europe.

To help you navigate this massive programme, we selected some events our readers should not miss. Register before September 27th and mark your agenda!

Efficient public buildings: How will the Renovation Wave bend around the Mediterranean shore?

13 Oct, 14:30-16:00

This online conversation will allow you get information and discuss how to improve the energy efficiency framework for public buildings at EU and national levels, especially in view of the Renovation Wave initiative. In particular the partners from the Interreg MED-funded Efficient Buildings Community, a network of Mediterranean stakeholders, wish to offer suggestions on how to:

  • Monitor the transposition and implementation of the buildings-related EU Directives (EPBD, EED and RED) to effectively identify synergies and barriers;
  • Adapt financial rules and dedicate funding tailored to the Mediterranean area;
  • Foster harmonisation of EU-wide standards while designing differentiated policies.

Experts will also highlight concrete solutions from local and regional authorities in the South for the successful preparation and implementation of renovation works in public buildings.

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Governance models for climate neutrality

20 Oct, 11:30-13:00

The goal of making Europe climate-neutral by 2050 put forward by the European Green Deal will only be achieved through the effective involvement of all levels of government, stakeholders and citizens. The Covenant of Mayors‘ cities, towns and regions have been driving local efforts and leading climate action for many years, experimenting with innovative ways of co-creating local solutions. This session will showcase examples from climate front-runners implementing participatory models of governance with commitments and actions from different sectors of society. It will explore existing “local climate pacts” to look at how these examples can support the objective of the European Green Deal, linking up with the EU Climate Pact and the Mission for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities.

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Towards climate-resilient cities and regions

20 Oct, 14:30-16:00

Adaptation to climate change is largely delivered through the actions of subnational actors. However, the progress made to date by local and regional authorities varies across Europe. In this workshop, speakers from the European Environment Agency and the Covenant of Mayors will present the status quo of sub-national adaptation to climate change in Europe. The role of regions in securing a climate-resilient future will be discussed in the context of the recently launched Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change including Societal Transformation.

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Credits: European Commission

Financing climate actions in cities

21 Oct, 11:30-13:00

Financing for local authorities’ sustainable energy and climate projects is hindered primarily by lack of internal capacity to identify and implement financing schemes and investment programmes. In this workshop, the recently launched European City Facility joins forces with the Covenant of Mayors and the H2020 PROSPECT project to discuss the implementation of financing schemes for climate & energy at local and regional level. By bringing together Covenant signatories, supporters and coordinators, it will create a unique opportunity to move forward on the national energy and climate plans.

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Cities & citizens: clean energy leaders?

21 Oct, 16:30-18:00

This world café will highlight exceptional collaborations where cities and citizens have worked hand-in-hand to develop energy transition strategies and specific projects. The collaboration presented in this session will demonstrate that an energy transition led by local authorities and citizens together is not only more comprehensive and effective, but also faster as it allows for the mobilisation of additional resources and removes the usual roadblocks. Following the brief presentations of the case studies by representative of different European cities and citizens-led initiatives, you will have the opportunity to discuss with them in small groups.

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Social innovation for energy transitions

22 Oct, 9:30-11:00

In light of the climate crisis, Europe urgently needs a radical transformation of its energy systems. Local governments have long been at the forefront of this change, helping to shape a decentralised and renewable energy future alongside their citizens. This lab will offer a chance to discover new tools and processes for accelerating the energy transition, rooted in the experience of cities participating in three EU-funded projects (SONNET, TOMORROW and UrbanA). You will have the chance to learn about social innovation in energy transitions and discuss different city-level approaches.

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Do you want to discover more events? Access the full programme of the European Week of Regions and Cities here.