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June 2024: A new legislative term without renewal (phew!)


All the forecasts predicted an electoral disaster that would see the extreme right flood the European Parliament. Fortunately, this did not happen. Instead, a relatively […]
Why sufficiency should be at the heart of the next European strategic agenda

Why sufficiency should be at the heart of the next European strategic agenda

From resilience to competitiveness, here are 5 reasons why sufficiency measures are more needed than ever


So far, the EU institutions tried to overcome several crisis without seriously considering a critical lever at its disposal: managing Europe’s resource use. Faced with […]
“Europe is poor and the transition is very expensive”: oh, really?


The battle for the post-2027 European budget has begun. The pawns are being moved across the chessboard, and the campaign for the European elections provides […]
Are EU countries following the “no-net-land take in 2050” recommendation?

Are EU countries following the “no-net-land take in 2050” recommendation?

Despite non-binding targets, some countries and regions are taking action to limit urban sprawling


In 2011, the European Commission announced the objective of ‘no-net-land take in 2050’ as a recommendation to preserve soil, protect biodiversity, and enhance everyone’s quality […]
Citizens’ panel: an intense democratic experience


In good Brussels lingo, we speak of the “Energy efficiency first principle“. This must be applied in all policies so that “only the energy that […]
Local Alliance to the EU: stay the course on Green Deal implementation

Local Alliance to the EU: stay the course on Green Deal implementation

Letter from the new Local Alliance, eight leading networks of European cities and regions, to EU leaders on Green Deal implementation


Eight leading networks of European cities and regions come together as the new Local Alliance to send a message to the EU on Green Deal implementation.
For a more resilient Europe: sufficiency can lead us toward climate neutrality

For a more resilient Europe: sufficiency can lead us toward climate neutrality

Together with other 74 organisations, we call for sufficiency policies to be urgently included into the new EU strategic agenda


Energy Cities, along with 74 European organisations from civil society, academia, cities and local authorities, businesses and public service operators, launched a manifesto for sufficiency […]
Commission Starts Dialogue on EU Food Systems 


First announced in Von der Leyen’s State of the Union address in September 2023, the recent wave of farmers protesting against the EU Green Deal […]
Sufficiency, the key to achieving a climate-neutral EU

Sufficiency, the key to achieving a climate-neutral EU

How the implementation of sufficiency measures at a local level can make cities, and therefore Europe, future-proof


Do we really need to drive an SUV to travel for 5 km? Maybe – depending on where we live – we can bike, take […]
“Local-proofing” the European Green Deal: the make-or-break factor

“Local-proofing” the European Green Deal: the make-or-break factor

Concrete suggestions from the Committee of the Regions to ensure the Green Deal is implementable at local level


Interview with Joško Klisović, President of Zagreb City Assembly and rapporteur for the Committee of the Region’s Opinion on Green Deal Governance, on making the Green Deal implementable at local level.