07 May - 08 May

Rijeka, Croatia

Fossil-free heating and cooling workshop

On the 7th and 8th of May 2024, a workshop on fossil-free heating and cooling will be held in the city of Rijeka, Croatia. The […]

22 May

What’s EUp ? Recent EU legislation update on buildings decarbonisation

The clock is ticking before the next European elections and the first quarter of 2024 was an incredibly busy period for the European institutions…and for […]

11 Jun

First Summit of the European Community for Integrated Home Renovation Services

This is the event we all have been waiting for!  1st Summit of the European Community for Integrated Home Renovation Services. Hundreds of one-stop shops […]

25 Jun

Empowering cities for climate action: Join EUCityCalc’s Final Conference in Valencia!

On 25 June, the project shares its cities’ experiences and insights to design a clear path toward climate neutrality To conclude these three exciting years, […]

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32 results displayed
Which changes in regulation are needed for a quick and just phase-out of natural gas?


A rapid gas phase out is a critical objective for a responsible and fair transition towards decarbonised heat.  
Congratulations to the 23 european cities awarded with the EU Mission Label


On 21th of March, 23 European cities were awarded the Label of the EU Mission for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, one of the EU Missions in […]
Unlock your city’s potential with the EU City Calculator 

Unlock your city’s potential with the EU City Calculator 

Join the learning programme to transform data into action for a sustainable, resilient future


Embark on a journey towards climate neutrality with the EU-funded project EUCityCalc!   The project’s mission is to support cities in developing and implementing scientifically robust […]
NetZeroCities -15 million Euros to act as innovation hubs as they test solutions for rapid decarbonisation

NetZeroCities -15 million Euros to act as innovation hubs as they test solutions for rapid decarbonisation

Congratulations to the 26 cities selected to join the Pilot Cities Programm


Working individually or as clusters, these Pilot Cities will implement systemic and locally designed innovative actions that span multiple areas, from buildings to waste, and […]
One city, one vision: the collective effort behind Valencia’s mission

One city, one vision: the collective effort behind Valencia’s mission

The recognition of Valencia as European Green Capital 2024 acknowledges years of efforts mobilising everyone around a common vision for the city’s future


At the heart of Valencia’s recent achievements are two things: first, a clearly defined vision and pathway of how to get there; second, successful and widespread mobilisation around this vision, both in its definition and implementation.
Europe’s leading climate cities need technological clarity – like no hydrogen in heating


“From the Viennese perspective, achieving the energy revolution is crucial for achieving climate neutrality. But this is incredibly hard to do. It’s a very long […]
Secure funding for your city’s projects with the Scalable Cities Action Grant

Secure funding for your city’s projects with the Scalable Cities Action Grant

Access up to 50,000 Euros to fund projects for energy communities, positive energy districts, and digital transformation in your city


The Scalable Cities Action grant’s third call for proposals is a great opportunity for your city to fund up to 50,000 euros on projects focused energy communities, positive energy districts, data and digitalisation.
Exploring Isaura: Unveiling the path to a fossil-free future

Exploring Isaura: Unveiling the path to a fossil-free future

Isaura, Calvino's invisible city, provides a unique setting for cities to explore their transition from fossil fuels to renewables. In this fascinating journey, we dove into discussions and strategies that are reshaping our urban and district landscapes.


Isaura, a city imagined by Italo Calvino, is a place where the hidden secrets of an underground lake reveal how to disconnect cities from fossil […]
Coming soon: a European community of local one-stop shops for home energy renovation


Local one-stop shops for home energy renovation will soon have the opportunity to imagine and create their own European community of practice, that is, a […]
One community energy project per 500 inhabitants…

One community energy project per 500 inhabitants…

And other tangible targets for sustainable energy production and consumption in your city


Find inspiration among these tangible targets for your city related to energy production and consumption, inspired by citizen assemblies, local pacts, and other projects across Europe.

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EU Peers

EU Peers

Building the European community of practice for Integrated Home Renovation Services
EU Peers

Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS) offer holistic solutions for home renovations and are part of the enabling framework breaking barriers to renovation. The overall objective […]



Supporting the implementation of key EU legislations on heating and cooling

Heating and cooling represent almost 50% of the EU energy demand and 80% of the energy consumption in households. Yet, it accounts for 40% of […]