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EU legal framework on public procurement: a barrier to local energy ownership

EU legal framework on public procurement: a barrier to local energy ownership

Joint response to the EU consultation on the evaluation of the EU public procurement directives


European Union regulation should allow municipalities to untap local potential to enable Europe’s energy transition. The ongoing review of the Public Procurement Directives should be […]
Joint call for stronger political support of the EU Missions


Together with other European city networks, we wrote to the Executive Vice-President Teresa Ribera Rodríguez, urging her to take political ownership of the EU Missions […]
Local Alliance’s vision for a future-proofed EU budget: empowering local communities

Local Alliance’s vision for a future-proofed EU budget: empowering local communities

The next EU Budget needs to be grounded in our local communities through a place-based approach and robust multilevel governance


The Local Alliance calls on EU leaders to ensure the next EU budget becomes a strong, comprehensive tool for a just, resilient, climate-neutral and competitive Europe. 
Local Alliance warns: €86 billion EU Social Climate Fund at risk of mismanagement due to inadequate governance

Local Alliance warns: €86 billion EU Social Climate Fund at risk of mismanagement due to inadequate governance

New report highlights what’s at stake when national governments sidestep local and regional counterparts


A new report from the Local Alliance reveals that vulnerable households in the EU are at risk of being underserved by the €86 billion Social Climate Fund (SCF) due to inadequate consultation of local and regional governments by national governments.
Powering communities: principles for a fair, sustainable Citizens’ Energy Package

Powering communities: principles for a fair, sustainable Citizens’ Energy Package

How to broaden participation and inclusion in the energy transition?


Community energy projects are essential for driving a fair and just energy transition, offering a concrete way for citizens, communities, and SMEs to actively participate […]

In addition to more punctual strategic partnerships, Energy Cities is part of several permanent advocacy groups that are contributing to pushing forward the energy transition political agenda

The Community Power Coalition

The Community Power Coalition brings together a diverse network of like-minded organisations that share a common goal of promoting the development of citizen and community ownership of energy in the urgent transformation towards a 100% renewable energy system. The Coalition includes associations representing energy cooperatives, networks of cities and local authorities, the renewable energy industry, legal experts and diverse environmental NGOs.

The Community Power Coalition demands a full and timely transposition of the EU Clean energy package through:

  1. Acknowledgment of citizen and renewable energy communities in national legislation through robust and clear definitions
  2. Strong inclusion of citizens and communities in national climate and energy planning
  3. Respect for new rights of self-consumers and energy communities, supported by a strong enabling framework at national level
  4. Ensure fair access by renewable energy communities to renewables support schemes
  5. Support a fair and inclusive energy transition, making sure no one is left behind
  6. Acknowledge value that energy citizens and communities can provide to the energy system
  7. Continued support from the European institutions for energy communities at European level
  8. Capacity-building for local authorities to continue supporting community energy projects

Coalition for Energy Savings

The Coalition for Energy Savings strives to make energy efficiency and savings the first consideration of energy policies and the driving force towards a secure, sustainable and competitive European Union. Its membership unites businesses, professionals, local authorities, energy communities, and civil society organisations in pursuit of this goal.

Coalition members represent:

  • more than 500 associations, 200 companies and 1,500 cooperatives,
  • 15 million supporters and more than 1 million citizens as members of cooperatives,
  • 2,500 cities and towns in 30 countries in Europe.

> All members of the Coalition for Energy Savings can be found here.

The Coalition for Energy Savings calls on the EU to:

  • Commit itself to a binding energy savings target by 2030 in line with the cost-effective potential
  • Step up policies, measures and investments in order to stop energy waste
  • Put in place and implement a strengthened Energy Efficiency Directive
  • Consider the potential for energy efficiency first in all decision-making related to energy to redress the historic bias towards prioritising supply over saving energy.

The Coalition for Energy Savings has existed for nearly 10 years already and in this time, succeeded in advocating for the creation of the EU’s energy efficiency framework, namely the EU Energy Efficiency Directive.

Under the Clean Energy for all Europeans legislative package, the Coalition and its members secured the extension and strengthening of the EU’s energy efficiency framework. The EU energy efficiency target for 2030 was set at 32,5%, and in addition to this, the EU widely introduced the Energy efficiency first principle in its energy legislations.

EUFORES – European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources

Energy Cities is a supporting member of EUFORES, a European cross-party network of Members of the European Parliaments as well as from the EU27 national and regional Parliaments. EUFORES’ core objective is the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency.

EUFORES is supported by a variety of non-parliamentary members from the renewable energy industry, scientific institutes, energy agencies and NGOs – all strongly committed to renewable energy and energy efficiency. EUFORES has developed a broad spectrum of activities in order to facilitate exchange between its members.

“Coalitions of the Willings” of the Covenant of Mayors – Europe

The Covenant of Mayors – Europe Office has set up thematic coalitions aimed to engage and cooperate with relevant European and international stakeholders. Six thematic coalitions offer room for exchange and collaboration, and foster a coordinated approach between the various stakeholders:

  1. Energy poverty
  2. Climate change adaptation
  3. Heating & cooling
  4. Community energy
  5. Urban mobility
  6. Energy efficiency in buildings.

The Renewable Heating and Cooling Alliance

The Renewable Heating and Cooling Alliance was launched to help ensure rapid, large-scale deployment of local, cost-effective, zero-emission heating and cooling solutions. The Renewable Heating and Cooling Alliance seeks to intensify investment in geothermal, district heating and cooling systems, solar thermal and heat pumps to make buildings and industry fit for a zero-emission Europe before 2050.