Many European cities have inspiring stories to tell about how they
have managed or how they plan their heat transition towards a 100%
green, reliable system based on local sources and heat networks. During
the webinar we will hear from four remarkable cities from all corners of
Europe, from very advanced decarbonised systems going the extra mile,
to retrofitting and decarbonising existing networks, to getting a new
network started.
Speakers :
- The Helsinki Challenge: crowd-sourcing for combustion-free solutions
Laura Uuttu-Deschryvere, Project Director of Helsinki Energy Challenge at the City of Helsinki - Modernizing & upgrading existing systems
Ivan Ivankovic – Head of Energy, Energy Management and Sustainable energy Development, City of Zagreb - Starting at the top: new networks with new solutions
John O’Shea – Energy Systems Analyst at Codema, Dublin’s Energy Agency - Making the system future proof
Paulius Martinkus – Chief Strategy and Business Development Officer at Vilnius šilumos tinklai (Vilnius District Heating Company) - Impactful solutions through collaboration
Lydia Hameeteman, Advisor and Project Manager at the City of Rotterdam
This webinar is a joint effort as replacement of the Celsius Summit and the Euroheat & Power conference, showcasing local leadership and sharing inspiring stories from cities all over Europe.