This webinar will focus on One-Stop-Shops for energy renovation and on the experience of the EU-funded Innovate project
Integrated into the second EuroACE Series of Online Workshops entitled “Renovation Wave in Action: Sharing Experiences”, this webinar will focus on one-stop shops for energy renovation and on the experience of the EU-Funded, INNOVATE Project. From the INNOVATE partners, the French partner, Énergies Demain, will share its experience and expertise on the subject. INNOVATE is a 3-year EU-funded project with the objective to upgrade, develop and roll-out integrated energy efficiency service packages in 11 targeted territories, known as one-stop shops. Through this webinar, policymakers, the INNOVATE partners and EuroACE (the European Alliance of Companies for Energy Efficiency in Buildings) will share their policy recommendations to boost the roll-out of one-stop shops across the EU and provide ideas on how the upcoming Renovation Wave Initiative can be leveraged to dramatically scale-up their deployment.