After three and a half years of intensive work, this is time for the H2020-funded PROSPECT project to end, but not without great successes and achievements to look back at!
Innovative financing is often an option for climate projects, but cities, municipalities and regions need to know how to activate and use it: PROSPECT filled that need allowing 195 participating local and regional authorities to exchange knowledge and experience on how to set up innovative financing schemes to implement their climate and energy measures.
As a project partner, Energy Cities has coordinated the four European engagement campaigns which punctuated these three years and a half. We’ve also had the pleasure to accompany and facilitate 10 of the 45 PROSPECT learning groups. As many occasions, always appreciated, to be in touch with cities… inspiring and inspired, always motivated despite the difficulties, firmly committed to the energy transition… We would like to send them a massive thank you!
PROSPECT partners leave us with many inspiring and enriching resources, all available on the project website:
We recommend 2 publications to end 2020 with inspiring reading:
We also invite you to have a look at this video prepared by the project scientific coordinator, IEECP, guiding you through the main resources on the project website.