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10 Sep - 12 Sep

Kursaal - Palais des Congrès de Dunkerque, Place du Casino, Dunkirk, France

The European Energy Transition Conference

Due to the climate emergency, the European Union and several political entities have included in their legislation an objective of carbon neutrality by 2050. Because […]

18 Sep

 Supporting the development of energy communities: which role for local and regional energy agencies?

Are you a local or regional agency/organisation willing to support energy communities? On September 18th, from 11 to 12, join us online to get an […]

07 Oct

Shaping the energy transition, together!

Are you interested in discovering the learnings from starting community energy projects, getting access to a comprehensive toolbox and exchange with experts on the topic […]

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383 results displayed
Grafting Cities 2024: revealing and empowering cities and citizens


"What keeps me positive for the future is the vibrant cooperation system that we have in Europe" Claire Roumet, Energy Cities Executive Director. Enjoy the key takeaways from our inspiring panels, discussions, and collaborative work.
Boosting the Green Deal in the next EU mandate

Boosting the Green Deal in the next EU mandate

We asked EU Heads of State to confirm the Green Deal as a strategic priority in the next EU mandate


Confirming the Green Deal as Europe’s growth and security engine, providing much needed clarity and stability to industries and citizens. Together with a group of […]
It’s all in one spot: One-stop-shops

It’s all in one spot: One-stop-shops

Go-to places for energy community advice


Citizens and businesses may have the motivation to reduce their energy bill or to produce their own electricity. Often enough, though, they don't know where to start, where to funding, which technologies to use. The first and best step is to meet an impartial expert who can guide and advice. The people working at Urban Innovation Vienna, the climate and innovation agency of the Austrian capital, recently shared their experience of setting up and running their "One Stop Shop".
Webinar recordings
Green Deal 5 Years Later: Where do we stand?

Green Deal 5 Years Later: Where do we stand?

Energy Cities' and Eurocities' webinar to take stock of the initiative and discuss what it implies for cities


In 2019, the European Commission launched its flagship initiative, the European Green Deal, to make the EU the first climate-neutral continent by 2050 and transform […]
Inside an emerging heat community

Inside an emerging heat community

Interview with Olaf Heinen, 50 Tinten Groen Assendorp


This is the story of humans who find common ground in the heat transition. It’s a wonderful example and it gives hope in times where […]

Projects All projects


Territoral Analysis of Decentralised Energy Markets

The objective of this European research project is to investigate the conditions and develop policy recommendations for an efficient and inclusive uptake of energy communities, […]

ENERCOM Facility

The EU Energy Communities Facility
ENERCOM Facility

The EU ECF will be designed to provide direct support to energy communities that are compliant with the definition of “Renewable Energy Community” or “Citizen […]



Social Sciences and Humanities for Climate, Energy aNd Transport Research Excellence

SSH CENTRE is a Horizon Europe project representing the cross-European Centre of Research Excellence for Climate-Energy-Mobility Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH). The project will engage […]

LIFE LOOP – Local Ownership Of Power

LIFE LOOP – Local Ownership Of Power

We support cities and citizens in creating their energy community.
LIFE LOOP – Local Ownership Of Power

Developing support mechanisms for energy communities and citizen-led initiatives in sustainable energy