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LIFE LOOP – Local Ownership Of Power

LIFE LOOP – Local Ownership Of Power

We support cities and citizens in creating their energy community.

LIFE LOOP – Local Ownership Of Power

Developing support mechanisms for energy communities and citizen-led initiatives in sustainable energy

Smart EPC

Smart EPC

Smart EPC enables the transition of local public authorities towards smart sustainable cities

Smart EPC

Smart EPC aims to integrate energy efficiency services with other energy services and non-energy benefits, whilst focusing on energy performance contracting and the creation of […]



European Affordable Housing Consortium: Sustainable Housing for Social Impact


The European Union has embarked on a challenging journey towards carbon neutrality. A promising approach is district renovation. Renovation at district scale reduces CO2 emissions […]

Energy Communities Repository

Launched by the European Commission, the Energy Communities Repository aims to support and monitor energy communities’ activities across Europe, within the framework of a just […]



Social sciences & Humanities for Achieving a Responsible, Equitable and Desirable Green Deal


Started in February 2022, SHARED GREEN DEAL brings together 22 leading organisations from across the EU including eight universities, three research institutions, eight network organisations […]

Balkan Solar Roofs

Balkan Solar Roofs

Campaigning and training for the production of community-owned energy in the Balkans

Balkan Solar Roofs

This ambitious project will empower three city administrations to enable and inspire 500 new solar roof installations by 2024. The three participating cities are Poreč […]



A journey towards climate-neutral cities in Europe


NetZeroCities (NZC) is part of the Horizon 2020 Reseach and Innovation Programme in support of European Union’s Green Deal. It will support Europe in its […]



European City Calculator: Prospective modelling tool supporting public authorities in reaching climate neutrality


Meeting the objectives of the Paris Agreement and ensuring that Europe becomes the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, requires European cities to be in the […]



Capacity building for cities and regions - from learning to action!


A capacity-building programme on innovative financing, by and for EU cities and regions



Hubs of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for the Transformation of Historic Urban Areas


HUB-IN promotes urban transformation and regeneration of historic urban areas (HUA) using as main catalyst the innovation and entrepreneurship, while preserving the unique identity of […]

Decarb City Pipes 2050

Decarb City Pipes 2050

Transition roadmaps to energy efficient, zero-carbon urban heating and cooling

Decarb City Pipes 2050

Climate urgency calls on all political levels to act more stringent and faster. This proposal is the first to unite cities across Europe to work […]



Empowering local renewable energy communities for the decarbonisation of the energy systems


LocalRES project will deploy innovative local energy systems driven by renewable energy communities for a fair energy transformation that puts renewable energy into the hands […]

Cities as testbeds for the energy transition

Through projects Energy Cities challenge the way we deal with energy in all spheres of a city. They are a great opportunity to fund unheard-of urban practices and to experiment with other cities. The successful solutions that our projects produce are blueprints for peers facing similar challenges. Participation of cities in EU-funded projects is also essential to demonstrate policy-makers how the locally-based energy transition can be a reality.

You want to set up or take part in a project?

Our project team will help you.

Photo: Max Kovalenko