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EUKI Living Streets

EUKI Living Streets

How to experiment new forms of city life

EUKI Living Streets

Based on the experience gained by Ghent’s Living Streets and the lessons learnt from the EU funded project Living Streets, this new project will support additional cities from Croatia, Greece and Portugal to develop and implement their Living Streets concept.



Exploring city levers to enable Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) across diverging contexts


Brussels, Vienna and Stockholm jointly investigate how cities can adapt and use their planning and implementation instruments so that urban development results in neighbourhoods that produce more energy than they consume.



The catalyst for social innovation in the energy market


This project will help furthering the knowledge around the entrepreneurial opportunities and social benefits of a local energy market

Scalable Cities

Scalable Cities is a city-led initiative with the aim to engage in a collaborative effort stakeholders, policy makers, industries, researchers and citizens. It works to create […]

SCCALE  20-30-50

SCCALE 20-30-50

Sustainable Collective Citizen Action for a Local Europe

SCCALE  20-30-50

Sustainable Collective Citizen Action for a Local Europe (SCCALE) 20-30-50 intends to bring Europe closer to its citizens by fostering the creation of energy communities, […]

Energy Efficiency Watch 4

Energy Efficiency Watch 4

Making the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive a reality

Energy Efficiency Watch 4

What is a Directive without a proper implementation? Energy Efficiency Watch 4 (EEW4) monitors how Member States translate the European Energy Efficiency Directive into impacting […]



Public Authorities together with a holistic network approach on the way to low-carbon municipalities


The overarching objective of the PATH2LC project is to support policy makers and public authorities at local level in the transition process towards a low […]



Office of Renovations and Financings for Energy Efficiency


The European Union wants to achieve a zero-emission building stock by 2050 and local one-stop shops (OSS) for home energy renovation are key to achieving […]

Renewable energy partnerships

Renewable energy partnerships

Renewable community energy engagement

Renewable energy partnerships

At present, many local governments in Europe are eager to support their citizens in getting renewable energy projects off the ground or in taking a […]

Zero Carbon Cities

Zero Carbon Cities

New climate change targets in line with the Paris Agreement

Zero Carbon Cities

The URBACT Zero Carbon Cities project is led by Manchester. Seven European cities are involved in this project : Bistrita (Romania) Frankfurt am Main (Germany) […]



Leading the energy transition bottom-up


What is TOMORROW? TOMORROW is a Horizon 2020 funded project, aiming at empowering local authorities to lead the transition towards low-carbon, resilient and more liveable […]



Exiting energy poverty and related health problems: European pilots take action


While 10% of European citizens suffer from energy poverty and policy solutions remain scarce, six cities around Europe have decided to design urban programmes that may serve as blueprint for others.

Cities as testbeds for the energy transition

Through projects Energy Cities challenge the way we deal with energy in all spheres of a city. They are a great opportunity to fund unheard-of urban practices and to experiment with other cities. The successful solutions that our projects produce are blueprints for peers facing similar challenges. Participation of cities in EU-funded projects is also essential to demonstrate policy-makers how the locally-based energy transition can be a reality.

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Photo: Max Kovalenko