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Franco-German Energy Transition Week

Franco-German Energy Transition Week

Showcasing energy transition actions on both sided of the Rhine

Franco-German Energy Transition Week

The objective of this project is to strengthen the Franco-German collaboration on energy transition at local level and involve citizens in this process through a raising awareness campaign.



French-German cooperation for local energy transition


TANDEM – French-German cooperation for local energy transition (Deutsch-Französische Klimapartnerschaften für die locale Energiewende) Background The simultaneous implementation of the “Transition énergétique” process in France and of the “Energiewende” process in Germany has resulted in the (…)

Congress “Assises européennes de la transition énergétique”

Congress “Assises européennes de la transition énergétique”

The largest convention for local energy transitioners in France

Congress “Assises européennes de la transition énergétique”

Welcome to the largest meeting of French local authorities in the energy field. Organised by the Urban Community of Dunkirk, Bordeaux Métropole and ADEME in 2016, this annual event gathers more than 2,000 people during 3 days.

POTEs – Ordinary Ecology Transition Pioneers

The POTEs concept emerged simultaneously in two French regions – Franche-Comté and Bourgogne – in 2013 during the national debate on the energy transition, following […]



The Energy Future of our Cities


Energy Cities started the IMAGINE initiative in 2006 as a follow-up of a discussion with member cities interested in the long-term perspective and a visioning approach of energy and territorial issues.

Display® Campaign

Display® Campaign

The best way to communicate your energy label

Display® Campaign

The Display Campaign is the first and most widespread European Campaign to encourage municipalities to publicly display environmental performances of their municipal buildings. More than 13,000 buildings are labelled with the Display poster showing their energy and water performances as well as green house gas emissions.



... and achieve your city's energy & climate objectives


Having signed the Covenant, Mayors commit to “mobilise the civil society in (our) geographical areas to take part in developing the Action Plan”.ENGAGE is all about encouraging individuals to play their part!

Living Streets

Living Streets

Make the city of tomorrow visible today!

Living Streets

Living Streets is a real-life experiment whereby each year, for two months, residents can temporarily transform their street into the sustainable place they have always dreamed of. Each of these living labs explores a new urbanism with fewer cars and more social interaction. Living Streets is (…)



Sustainable Mobility for Citizens in Europe


Efficient and effective urban mobility can significantly contribute to achieving sustainable economic growth and employment opportunities in our cities. It is of huge importance to achieving the EU 2020 objectives as 70% of the EU population live in cities and account for over 80% of the EU’s GDP. Moreover, in many urban areas, the increasing demand for urban mobility has created a non-sustainable environment with severe congestion, poor air quality and high levels of CO2 emissions.



Fostering the market uptake of renewable electricity, heating and cooling technologies


The progRESsHEAT project aims at assisting local, regional, national and EU political leaders in developing policy and strategies to ensure a quick and efficient deployment of renewables in the heating and cooling networks.

Shape Energy

Shape Energy

Social Sciences and Humanities for Advancing Policy in European Energy

Shape Energy

This project aims to develop Europe’s expertise in using and applying energy-SSH through an innovative Platform that will unite those who “demand” energy research, because […]



Supporting public authorities for implementing energy efficiency policies


PUBLENEF (Support Public Authorities for Implementing Energy Efficiency Policies) is a Horizon 2020 project that will run for 36 months from February 2016. PUBLENEF addresses the […]

Cities as testbeds for the energy transition

Through projects Energy Cities challenge the way we deal with energy in all spheres of a city. They are a great opportunity to fund unheard-of urban practices and to experiment with other cities. The successful solutions that our projects produce are blueprints for peers facing similar challenges. Participation of cities in EU-funded projects is also essential to demonstrate policy-makers how the locally-based energy transition can be a reality.

You want to set up or take part in a project?

Our project team will help you.

Photo: Max Kovalenko