24 Apr

Fourmies, France

La REV3 de Fourmies: 10 ans d’actions pour la Transition

Métamorphoser son territoire en un temps record en misant sur les transitions écologiques, énergétiques, sociétales et numérique, c’est possible! Venez découvrir comment la petite ville […]

06 May - 08 May

LITEXPO, Vilnius, Vilnius City Municipality, Lithuania

Cities Mission Conference 2025: Harnessing City Successes

The fourth edition of the Cities Mission Conference 2025 will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania on 6-8 May 2025 with the theme “Harnessing City Successes: Advancing Climate Action for 2030”, to spotlight the progress and ambition of Mission Cities and their partners as they strive to achieve climate neutrality by 2030. 

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Let’s meet SPARKLE’s cities: Vilnius

Let’s meet SPARKLE’s cities: Vilnius

Being the city an EU green model, AMIESTAS wants to share its experience, especially in energy retrofitting


Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania, one of Europe’s greenest places. Renowned for its rich history and charming old town, the city is becoming increasingly […]
The EUCityCalc learning programme: design your city’s transition pathway

The EUCityCalc learning programme: design your city’s transition pathway

Use your city’s data to compare measures, create scenarios, and make informed policy decisions


Would you like to know whether a new policy proposal on public transport will help reduce GHG emissions in your city? Would you need to […]
Get ready for a successful heat detox in 2025

Get ready for a successful heat detox in 2025

Among New Year's resolutions, there’s no better time than now to commit to healthy heating.


Across Europe, cities and towns are working to decouple their heating systems from fossil fuels to improve air quality, increase independence and reach climate goals. […]
Driving the Green Deal: Lessons from EU cities’ experiments

Driving the Green Deal: Lessons from EU cities’ experiments

Learn from inspiring case studies on clean energy, circular economy, efficient renovations, and sustainable food systems


How can we fulfill the Green Deal? From clean energy to circular economy; from efficient renovations to sustainable food systems, cities around Europe are designing […]
Empowering cross-sectoral collaboration for more sustainable cities

Empowering cross-sectoral collaboration for more sustainable cities

A new training will build bridges between the Social Sciences & Humanities, and sustainability policy


How can cities develop socially innovative solutions to advance their climate transition? A free course for researchers and policy professionals has just been released.  The […]
Reduce Resource Use For A Fairer, Cleaner, And More Resilient Europe

Reduce Resource Use For A Fairer, Cleaner, And More Resilient Europe

Together with other 13 associations, we sent a briefing to the new MEPs urging them to take action


“Emphasises that addressing resource scarcity requires reducing the extraction and use of resources and an absolute decoupling of growth from the use of natural resources.” […]
Grenoble shows us how to meaningfully involve citizens in the transition

Grenoble shows us how to meaningfully involve citizens in the transition

Grenoble’s Citizen Convention for the Climate as an inspiring case of local climate assemblies


Get inspired by Grenoble Alpes Métropole’s Citizen Convention for the Climate, an example of meaningful citizen participation in climate planning at local level.
Ads-free streets: let’s give public space back to citizens

Ads-free streets: let’s give public space back to citizens

Vice-President Philippe Guelpa-Bonaro shares with us Lyon Métropole’s experience in reducing advertising


If we have regulations for tobacco and alcohol ads, why don’t we have one to limit the promotion of fossil fuel products and services? Why […]
Decarbonising cities for a sustainable Europe

Decarbonising cities for a sustainable Europe

Transforming heating and cooling: key strategies and success stories from European cities.


Did you know that heating and cooling account 50% of Europe’s energy demand and 80% of household energy consumption? Energy Cities’ Annual Forum, held in […]
We are energy addicts who need rehab

We are energy addicts who need rehab

During “Resource-wise cities: Rethinking our need”, Heidelberg, Lyon, Riga, and Vitoria-Gasteiz explored the necessity to consume less and shared inspiring sufficiency best practices


Planet Earth is begging us to respect its boundaries. Some cities are already running out of water, even in wintertime. Energy prices have soared. Urban […]

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Sustainable Planning And Resilience Knowledge Learning Environment

SPARKLE – Sustainable Planning and Resilience Knowledge Learning Environment is a pioneering programme that will develop the capacities of over 600 Local and Regional Authorities […]


The ESCALATE Project aims to speed up Europe’s shift to clean renewable energy by helping cities across the EU plan for more energy efficient heating and […]


Accelerating positive, clean energy districts (PCED) for cities’ transition towards climate neutrality and social justice across Europe The project’s overarching goals are to: make cities […]


Bridging the gap between the design and implementation of urban innovations for climate change adaptation and mitigation CLIMABOROUGH is designed to field test the ClimHub, […]