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Welcome to Develop Athens SA, Pays Basque urban community and Lizzanello

Welcome to Develop Athens SA, Pays Basque urban community and Lizzanello

Energy Cities welcomes three new members and continues to weave connections between European cities


Energy Cities is proud to welcome new members, and we look forward to meeting at our next annual forum in April in Besançon! Athens – […]
Think you involve your citizens? Think again.

Think you involve your citizens? Think again.

Join us for a one-day reflection and discovery of the many facets of local democracy


As much as a company benefits from listening to its employees, local government action becomes so much more effective when knowing and involving stakeholders of […]
Collaborating for 100% renewable cities

Collaborating for 100% renewable cities

Discover innovative partnerships to develop renewable energy in cities and towns at our Annual Forum in Besançon.


In recent years, cities have taken significant steps to become more resilient, particularly in the way they are transforming their energy use.  This transition to […]
Baby I know, that’s that me Espresso


While one produced a mega-hit called "Espresso" getting you into an unstoppable summer mood, the other one (us) has got this irresistible Espresso training that wants you to learn more (and more and more) about sun, wind and other forms of community energy. The good news is that you don't need to wait for Summer to get your shot of caffeine! Several new Espresso courses are to be launched in the next months.
Multi-level governance platforms in France: how can we accelerate the green transition projects at regional level?


The regional COP process represents a new stage in the process of making environmental planning more local in France.


Policy Op-ed


Every year, in January – the month of good wishes-, our editorial coincides with the Davos Forum. And every year, the analysis of the risks […]
A climate assembly for your city’s administration? Inspirations from Lyon

A climate assembly for your city’s administration? Inspirations from Lyon

How Lyon leverages participative democracy within its public administration to engage and empower civil servants in its climate journey


Lyon’s Climate Assembly of Civil Servants is an inspiring example of how to use the model of citizens' assemblies to engage and empower your city's administration to tackle climate issues.
Driving the Green Deal: Lessons from EU cities’ experiments

Driving the Green Deal: Lessons from EU cities’ experiments

Learn from inspiring case studies on clean energy, circular economy, efficient renovations, and sustainable food systems


How can we fulfill the Green Deal? From clean energy to circular economy; from efficient renovations to sustainable food systems, cities around Europe are designing […]
Here’s how energy communities sounded in 2024

Here’s how energy communities sounded in 2024

Podcast episodes you may have missed


This is not a “best of the year” article. But with all of us being very busy non-stop, it is possible that you may have […]
Local Citizens’ Assemblies on Climate and Energy

Local Citizens’ Assemblies on Climate and Energy

Inspiring examples and takeaways from on-the-ground experiences of climate assemblies


Learn from concrete experiences of local citizens' assemblies on climate, reinforcing public participation and enhancing policymaking.

Projects All projects



Frugal cities through Energy Efficiency and Low-tech communities

How can you do more with less? European public authorities have to meet increasing demands, but with less money. Thinking bigger, the problem is also […]



Social Sciences and Humanities for Climate, Energy aNd Transport Research Excellence

SSH CENTRE is a Horizon Europe project representing the cross-European Centre of Research Excellence for Climate-Energy-Mobility Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH). The project will engage […]

LIFE LOOP – Local Ownership Of Power

LIFE LOOP – Local Ownership Of Power

We support cities and citizens in creating their energy community.
LIFE LOOP – Local Ownership Of Power

Developing support mechanisms for energy communities and citizen-led initiatives in sustainable energy

Energy Communities Repository

Launched by the European Commission, the Energy Communities Repository aims to support and monitor energy communities’ activities across Europe, within the framework of a just […]