01 Apr

Webinar: Supporting municipalities and cities to draw future-proof heating and cooling plans

Cities and municipalities are at the forefront of the energy transition. Decarbonising the heating and cooling sectors presents one of the biggest challenges and opportunities […]

02 Apr

Info session on a new funding opportunity for citizen-led renovation

The Support service for Citizen-led renovation (CLR) is an EU initiative aiming to empower existing and prospective energy communities to put citizens in the driver’s […]

24 Apr

Fourmies, France

La REV3 de Fourmies: 10 ans d’actions pour la Transition

Métamorphoser son territoire en un temps record en misant sur les transitions écologiques, énergétiques, sociétales et numérique, c’est possible! Venez découvrir comment la petite ville […]

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European Energy for European Homes and Industry

European Energy for European Homes and Industry

The EU, member states and cities are stumbling towards agreement – even if they haven’t yet realised it.


Geopolitics are forcing different levels of government (European, national and local) to see gas imports as Europe’s Achilles heel. The solution is European energy for […]
Let’s meet SPARKLE’s cities: Vilnius

Let’s meet SPARKLE’s cities: Vilnius

Being the city an EU green model, AMIESTAS wants to share its experience, especially in energy retrofitting


Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania, one of Europe’s greenest places. Renowned for its rich history and charming old town, the city is becoming increasingly […]
The EUCityCalc learning programme: design your city’s transition pathway

The EUCityCalc learning programme: design your city’s transition pathway

Use your city’s data to compare measures, create scenarios, and make informed policy decisions


Would you like to know whether a new policy proposal on public transport will help reduce GHG emissions in your city? Would you need to […]
Collaborating for 100% renewable cities

Collaborating for 100% renewable cities

Discover innovative partnerships to develop renewable energy in cities and towns at our Annual Forum in Besançon.


In recent years, cities have taken significant steps to become more resilient, particularly in the way they are transforming their energy use.  This transition to […]
Get ready for a successful heat detox in 2025

Get ready for a successful heat detox in 2025

Among New Year's resolutions, there’s no better time than now to commit to healthy heating.


Across Europe, cities and towns are working to decouple their heating systems from fossil fuels to improve air quality, increase independence and reach climate goals. […]
Amplifying mayors’ voices: new opportunities for local leaders to share and connect

Amplifying mayors’ voices: new opportunities for local leaders to share and connect

Energy Cities launches activities for local elected representatives to exchange ideas, discuss challenges and share achievements


Our new ‘Mayors Voice’ activities provide a space for local elected representatives to discuss amongst peers, explore solutions to similar challenges, share success stories, and together chart the way forward.
How cities are decarbonising their heating systems for healthier communities

How cities are decarbonising their heating systems for healthier communities

Cities and towns share their heat decarbonisation journeys through the Cities Heat Detox Campaign.


The heating and cooling sector in Europe significantly contributes to CO2 emissions, air pollution and energy insecurity, primarily because over 70% of buildings’ heat today […]
Energy Cities says it is time to turn up the heat on Member States for failing on local heating and cooling planning

Energy Cities says it is time to turn up the heat on Member States for failing on local heating and cooling planning

Celebrating the first anniversary of the publication of the EED, Energy Cities is taking stock of the local heating and cooling planning transposition.


Energy Cities has tracked progress in all Member States with the transposition of the energy efficiency directive. Member States need to boost their game.
Reduce Resource Use For A Fairer, Cleaner, And More Resilient Europe

Reduce Resource Use For A Fairer, Cleaner, And More Resilient Europe

Together with other 13 associations, we sent a briefing to the new MEPs urging them to take action


“Emphasises that addressing resource scarcity requires reducing the extraction and use of resources and an absolute decoupling of growth from the use of natural resources.” […]
Ads-free streets: let’s give public space back to citizens

Ads-free streets: let’s give public space back to citizens

Vice-President Philippe Guelpa-Bonaro shares with us Lyon Métropole’s experience in reducing advertising


If we have regulations for tobacco and alcohol ads, why don’t we have one to limit the promotion of fossil fuel products and services? Why […]

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Sustainable Planning And Resilience Knowledge Learning Environment

SPARKLE – Sustainable Planning and Resilience Knowledge Learning Environment is a pioneering programme that will develop the capacities of over 600 Local and Regional Authorities […]

EU Peers

EU Peers

Building the European community of practice for Integrated Home Renovation Services
EU Peers

Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS) offer holistic solutions for home renovations and are part of the enabling framework breaking barriers to renovation. The overall objective […]



Supporting the implementation of key EU legislations on heating and cooling

Heating and cooling represent almost 50% of the EU energy demand and 80% of the energy consumption in households. Yet, it accounts for 40% of […]