Cities and municipalities are at the forefront of the energy transition. Decarbonising the heating and cooling sectors presents one of the biggest challenges and opportunities […]
The Support service for Citizen-led renovation (CLR) is an EU initiative aiming to empower existing and prospective energy communities to put citizens in the driver’s […]
Métamorphoser son territoire en un temps record en misant sur les transitions écologiques, énergétiques, sociétales et numérique, c’est possible! Venez découvrir comment la petite ville […]
The EU, member states and cities are stumbling towards agreement – even if they haven’t yet realised it.
Being the city an EU green model, AMIESTAS wants to share its experience, especially in energy retrofitting
Use your city’s data to compare measures, create scenarios, and make informed policy decisions
Discover innovative partnerships to develop renewable energy in cities and towns at our Annual Forum in Besançon.
Among New Year's resolutions, there’s no better time than now to commit to healthy heating.
Energy Cities launches activities for local elected representatives to exchange ideas, discuss challenges and share achievements
Cities and towns share their heat decarbonisation journeys through the Cities Heat Detox Campaign.
Celebrating the first anniversary of the publication of the EED, Energy Cities is taking stock of the local heating and cooling planning transposition.
Together with other 13 associations, we sent a briefing to the new MEPs urging them to take action
Vice-President Philippe Guelpa-Bonaro shares with us Lyon Métropole’s experience in reducing advertising
SPARKLE – Sustainable Planning and Resilience Knowledge Learning Environment is a pioneering programme that will develop the capacities of over 600 Local and Regional Authorities […]