Discover innovative partnerships to develop renewable energy in cities and towns at our Annual Forum in Besançon.
Interview with Victoria Pellicer and Agnes Losonci (Valencia and Obuda-Bekasmegyer)
Learn from inspiring case studies on clean energy, circular economy, efficient renovations, and sustainable food systems
Örebro leads by example as Sweden Supreme Administrative Court confirms tax-free energy sharing for its innovative neighbourhood.
Celebrating the first anniversary of the publication of the EED, Energy Cities is taking stock of the local heating and cooling planning transposition.
A golden opportunity for the EUs new housing commissioner help solve Europe’s most intractable energy issue – home heating
The example of Third-Party Financing companies in France
In France, Third-Party Financing companies set up by five regions and metropolis are a real game-changer for homeowners aspiring to deep energy renovation.
Local renewable energy stories harvested at Energy Cities’ Annual Forum
Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS) offer holistic solutions for home renovations and are part of the enabling framework breaking barriers to renovation. The overall objective […]
Accelerating positive, clean energy districts (PCED) for cities’ transition towards climate neutrality and social justice across Europe The project’s overarching goals are to: make cities […]
SSH CENTRE is a Horizon Europe project representing the cross-European Centre of Research Excellence for Climate-Energy-Mobility Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH). The project will engage […]