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Collaborating for 100% renewable cities

Collaborating for 100% renewable cities

Discover innovative partnerships to develop renewable energy in cities and towns at our Annual Forum in Besançon.


In recent years, cities have taken significant steps to become more resilient, particularly in the way they are transforming their energy use.  This transition to […]
City interventions for better health and against energy poverty

City interventions for better health and against energy poverty

Interview with Victoria Pellicer and Agnes Losonci (Valencia and Obuda-Bekasmegyer)


This show is about how local governments can provide answers and concrete help, especially to those that are already in fragile or complicated situations. How can they be supportive in urgency situations while creating long-term conditions that bring wellbeing?
Driving the Green Deal: Lessons from EU cities’ experiments

Driving the Green Deal: Lessons from EU cities’ experiments

Learn from inspiring case studies on clean energy, circular economy, efficient renovations, and sustainable food systems


How can we fulfill the Green Deal? From clean energy to circular economy; from efficient renovations to sustainable food systems, cities around Europe are designing […]
Örebro’s Tamarinden neighbourhood reshapes energy laws in Sweden

Örebro’s Tamarinden neighbourhood reshapes energy laws in Sweden

Örebro leads by example as Sweden Supreme Administrative Court confirms tax-free energy sharing for its innovative neighbourhood.


In a world where the energy transition is crucial, Örebro in Sweden is leading the way with Tamarinden – an innovative neighbourhood. Designed to be […]
Besançon’s commitments to advance in the green transition


Besançon’s energy and climate policies and innovative projects have made it one of the pioneering local authorities in the green transition in France.
Energy Cities says it is time to turn up the heat on Member States for failing on local heating and cooling planning

Energy Cities says it is time to turn up the heat on Member States for failing on local heating and cooling planning

Celebrating the first anniversary of the publication of the EED, Energy Cities is taking stock of the local heating and cooling planning transposition.


Energy Cities has tracked progress in all Member States with the transposition of the energy efficiency directive. Member States need to boost their game.
Five lessons from France on how to cost-effectively finance and consistently deliver home renovations

Five lessons from France on how to cost-effectively finance and consistently deliver home renovations

A golden opportunity for the EUs new housing commissioner help solve Europe’s most intractable energy issue – home heating


There are three different challenges to mass-market home renovations that must be solved: the first, and easiest challenge, is the technology. Heat pumps and insulation […]
Methodological guide: How to create a local support and financing service dedicated to home energy renovation?


The European Union wants to achieve a zero-emission building stock by 2050 and local one-stop shops for home energy renovation are key to achieving this […]
In France, a specific one-stop shop model shakes up the deep energy renovation market

In France, a specific one-stop shop model shakes up the deep energy renovation market

In France, Third-Party Financing companies set up by five regions and metropolis are a real game-changer for homeowners aspiring to deep energy renovation.


The five French Third-Party Financing companies, a specific one-stop shop model for home energy renovation, provide technical and financial solutions to homeowners aspiring to deep […]
Walking on sunshine 🎶

Walking on sunshine 🎶

Local renewable energy stories harvested at Energy Cities’ Annual Forum


What better place than sun-filled Valencia, to talk about community-driven renewable projects! What better group of people, than the hundreds of city-makers that gathered in this dynamic Spanish city for Energy Cities’ Annual Forum End of June.

Projects All projects

EU Peers

EU Peers

Building the European community of practice for Integrated Home Renovation Services
EU Peers

Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS) offer holistic solutions for home renovations and are part of the enabling framework breaking barriers to renovation. The overall objective […]


Accelerating positive, clean energy districts (PCED) for cities’ transition towards climate neutrality and social justice across Europe The project’s overarching goals are to: make cities […]



Social Sciences and Humanities for Climate, Energy aNd Transport Research Excellence

SSH CENTRE is a Horizon Europe project representing the cross-European Centre of Research Excellence for Climate-Energy-Mobility Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH). The project will engage […]



European Affordable Housing Consortium: Sustainable Housing for Social Impact

The European Union has embarked on a challenging journey towards carbon neutrality. A promising approach is district renovation. Renovation at district scale reduces CO2 emissions […]