06 May - 08 May

LITEXPO, Vilnius, Vilnius City Municipality, Lithuania

Cities Mission Conference 2025: Harnessing City Successes

The fourth edition of the Cities Mission Conference 2025 will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania on 6-8 May 2025 with the theme “Harnessing City Successes: Advancing Climate Action for 2030”, to spotlight the progress and ambition of Mission Cities and their partners as they strive to achieve climate neutrality by 2030. 

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A warm welcome to Verona, Poti, Liepaja, Grand Paris Grand Est and VVSG

A warm welcome to Verona, Poti, Liepaja, Grand Paris Grand Est and VVSG

We are delighted to welcome 5 new members to the network


3 cities: Liepaja, Poti and Verona, a metropolitan urban community: Grand Paris Grand Est and an association of cities: VVSG – Association of Flemish Cities […]
Learn on innovative financing for your local energy & climate projects!

Learn on innovative financing for your local energy & climate projects!

PROSPECT+, capacity building for cities & regions, launches its final call!


Apply to this learning programme which also offers some community energy skills building. It is tailored to enhance local and regional actions in the field of energy efficiency of public and private buildings, public lighting, transport, and cross-sectoral actions such as local energy production.
Welcome Cascais to Energy Cities’ network!

Welcome Cascais to Energy Cities’ network!

We look forward to working with Ambiente Cascais on carbon neutrality and innovation projects


Energy Cities is glad to welcome a new member: Ambiente Cascais! Cascais is a charming coastal town located on the western coast of Portugal, near […]
One meter bicycle lane per citizen

One meter bicycle lane per citizen

And other tangible targets for more sustainable mobility in your city


Find inspiration in this list of mobility-related tangible targets for your city, inspired by citizen assemblies, local pacts, and other projects across Europe.
Tangible targets for cities

Tangible targets for cities

33 concrete goals to advance the local ecological transition


Local governments are on the frontline of the ecological transition and need to set ambitious targets. Citizens’ Assemblies can support them in this process. A […]
Join a unique capacity-building programme on innovative financing!

Join a unique capacity-building programme on innovative financing!

H2020 PROSPECT+ is launching its third call for applications. Don’t miss the opportunity!


Would you like to explore new ways of financing your energy and climate measures? Would you like to learn about energy performance contracting, municipal green […]
Local organisations can receive €22,000 to support the Green Deal

Local organisations can receive €22,000 to support the Green Deal

Apply to get funds for your #GreenDeal initiative by 31 January


Local authorities, their local agencies and utilities as well as not-for-profit organisations have the opportunity to apply for €22,000 to become local partners of the […]
Financing your energy projects: get top advice from your peers in other EU cities!

Financing your energy projects: get top advice from your peers in other EU cities!

H2020 PROSPECT+ offers EU cities and regions a unique opportunity to increase their capacity on financing.


When it come to financing their sustainable energy and climate projects, local or regional authorities very often lack expertise and internal capacities to identify the […]
Webinar recordings
Meet you climate and energy goals with reduced dependence on subsidies


The climate targets are increasingly ambitious and the scale of the challenge faced by local and regional authorities all across Europe requires increased use of […]
To fight climate crisis, the EU needs at least 45% renewables target by 2030

To fight climate crisis, the EU needs at least 45% renewables target by 2030

Associations, Industries, City networks and scientists say “ YES to 45% RES”


The IPCC has warned that we are entering code red for humanity: 2°C warming will be exceeded within this century unless we make deep reductions […]

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Social Sciences and Humanities for Climate, Energy aNd Transport Research Excellence

SSH CENTRE is a Horizon Europe project representing the cross-European Centre of Research Excellence for Climate-Energy-Mobility Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH). The project will engage […]



Capacity building for cities and regions - from learning to action!

A capacity-building programme on innovative financing, by and for EU cities and regions



Sustainable Mobility for Citizens in Europe

Efficient and effective urban mobility can significantly contribute to achieving sustainable economic growth and employment opportunities in our cities. It is of huge importance to achieving the EU 2020 objectives as 70% of the EU population live in cities and account for over 80% of the EU’s GDP. Moreover, in many urban areas, the increasing demand for urban mobility has created a non-sustainable environment with severe congestion, poor air quality and high levels of CO2 emissions.